Carol is passionate about re-acquainting people with the courageous, resourceful, passionate person that they really are.


Employee Coaching

Carol Henry is an International Coach Federation (ICF) PCC certified coach, formally coaching since 2007. Carol has spent the last 27 years at Seneca College, first as a Professor and then in 1992 as part of the administrative team, as Director of Access, then as Assoicate Director of Student Services and finally as Director of the Centre for Faculty and Staff Development (Professional Development).

Carol has a strong reputation for her ability to develop her people. and to build highly effective teams. Through her coaching internally at Seneca, Carol has become adept at dealing with employee disengagement, underperformance and poor “fit”. Her ability to assist individuals in making the shift from disengaged to engaged by having clients become aware of, and then challenge, their belief systems, habit systems and their perceptions and behaviour patterns, has helped many employees increase their level of professional and career satisfaction. She is a Lumina Learning Affiliate qualified in the use of Lumina Spark and Lumina Leader.
Carol uses these tools when working with Leaders and their teams to help them improve communication and outcomes by understanding their own and their colleague’s personality preferences, communications styles and leadership choices. Improved communications means improved relationships, improved results and an improved ability to influence.

Career Management Coaching

Carol is a certified Holistic Narrative Career Practitioner (HNCP) and uses the CareerCycles (CC) career counseling framework and method of practice in her Career Coaching. Through this holistic and narrative approach, the CC method seeks to collaboratively identify and understand clients’ career and life stories. It focuses on their strengths, desires, preferences, assets, future possibilities, and the influence others have had on their choices.

The CC method as a narrative and holistic approach uses positive psychology and draws on other relevant theories and modalities to empower clients so they can take greater control of their careers and give fuller expression to who they are and how they want to be in the world.

The coaching process takes the client from Career Question (What now? How do I find a meaningful career etc) through the Career and Life Clarity process and then on to the Intentional Exploration (JOB SEARCH) process. Clients who go through the Career Cycles process have the advantage of understanding who they are and how they can fully express themselves in their career. The result is that these clients are in the best position to find a work situation/Career that truly “fits” who they know themselves to be.
Transition Coaching

As an expert in understanding life transitions, Carol is highly skilled in working with clients who want support as they go through life’s transitions – such as the transition into or out of relationship, adjusting to new motherhood, or empty nesing or returning to, or retiring from the workforce.

Although client’s may come to Carol in a state of “attachment” or “stuckness” to their current situation, or in a state of “resistance” to what the future has to offer, Carol has the ability to help clients access their inner resilience, creativity and courage so that they can face life’s changes from a place of choice.

“Carol is a gifted coach, leader, and mentor. She is able to break down issues and/or situations and realistically evaluate each component, allowing her clients to co-create not only solutions, but real possibilitites. She offers a great deal of perception, intellect, patience, and creativity, which made working with her a joyful experience.”


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